How observant are you? Are you ready to search for a needle in a haystack? Believe me, this is only at first glance an impossible task. It is necessary to apply a competent strategy, as everything will be found. So, search for words in a square filled with letters. There is one letter in each cell of the square.

The words are arranged randomly, and can be placed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Some of them can even be written backwards, that is, instead of transmit, for example, you can meet timsnart. All words are English.

The search task is located to the right of the square with the letters. Already marked words are marked either with a green check mark (if you found the word yourself), or with a red x (if you used the hint - solve). Please note that the words in the square may intersect with each other, but not overlap.

The size of the playing field varies, you can choose it yourself: 10x10, 15x15 or 20x20 cells with letters. You can also set the desired number of words in the settings. There are three options: few words, Many words, and Are you crazy. The Restart button restarts the game, resetting everything found and changing the set and location of words in the square. Time and points are recorded for statistics.

As a good strategy for organizing word search, we can recommend the following. Look for the longest words first, and then the shorter ones. After memorizing the letter that the word begins with and a couple of other words that continue it, perform a visual scan through the columns, starting with the first one. When you notice the first letter of the word you are looking for in the column, hold your gaze on it and look around its surroundings, comparing the letters with those that continue the word. Believe me, this tactic will allow you to find words faster, unlike haphazard search.

Attention! If the game looks too big or doesn't fit in the window, try reducing the size of the letters with the -Abutton. Conversely, if everything looks very small, try zooming in with the +A button. If both didn't help, use the 100% or Expandoptions in the orange bar. Good luck!

You can play the game WORD SEARCH online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.