You know, the Chinese invent gunpowder in the 12th century, originally did not think about how it can be used to decorate the holidays! Scaring off evil spirits during the holidays, they would throw has not yet dried bamboo stalks into the fire, and they clapped and left at the same time a bright flash.
When the properties of gunpowder became known, they began stuffing the various light and sound generating devices, beat him in the rocket and improve such tools that vengeance used on holidays for a bright and colorful show, especially in the dark. Appearing in Italy, fireworks after came to Russia (1675), and became indispensable attribute of all the celebrations and masquerades, dances and dances. Now particularly active in fireworks use on new year's night, — claps and bright flashes, fireworks and sizzle are seen and heard everywhere at this time.
However, we will focus finally on the game. You also will have to deal with fireworks, only virtual. Classic mission genre three row, some interesting levels, will help You to have fun, gently stretch your logic.
You can play the game 3 IN A ROW: DANCE OF FIREWORKS online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.