The flash version of American Billiards Pool 8 (Pool 8), in the graphics performance of average quality, but quite acceptable physics of impact and rebound. The rules are really original (i.e. real). Try to beat the computer who is your opponent in these games and score all the balls of the selected type. If you are familiar with the rules of the pool, then you know what I mean. If not — please explain.
The Rules of the American pool to the next. The first scored by a player ball Billiards, determines the type of the next players ball he can score. Only 2 types: integers (monotone filled with a single color) and striped (with a strip of color different from the ball itself). Selection of balls of the opponent is determined automatically. Thus, if you scored the first ball and striped it, then in this game you try to score all striped, and your opponent will be gunning for the whole and Vice versa.
An Important point about the black ball, because he is in a special position. It is possible to hammer only after you have rolled ALL their colored balls. The opponent symmetrical right about black. Note that if you put the black BEFORE all your balls are spread out through the holes, then you automatically loses the game. Random shot of black in the pocket is treated as a defeat, whose was the stroke.
White. Everything is simple. It is the cue ball and the whole game is just them. In other words, your cue should always hit the white and anything else! It is worth saying that if your move the white ball for some reason went in the hole, regardless of was scored colored ball at the same time or not, your opponent gets the opportunity to take free kicks (free shot), that is to put white where you want.
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You can play the game 8 BALL POOL online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.