Beautiful and concise, fast-loading, high-quality solitaire Rucheek will make a curtsy only for experienced players, those who take their time, without fuss, carefully monitor the game situation and do not make mistakes.

Yes, friends, this solitaire game is not easy. If you try to find analogs in the world of solitaire, then perhaps the closest to the Stream is Klondike Solitaire in Japanese or Open Klondike Solitaire. Tasks similar to Klondike Solitaire should be solved here not on time, but on quality. There's no timer, and there's no rush. By the way, some people associate solitaire Trickle with Mat, indeed, there is something similar.

Put all the cards from the game table in four piles of 13 cards each, sorted by suit and in ascending order of rank, starting with ace and ending with king (Ace, Deuce, Three, etc.).

The most striking difference from the Kerchief is the shape of the layout. The cards are stacked in packs of three each. There are 17 packs and one more card on the table. Transfers between packs are possible according to the principle: the lowest card for the highest, black for red or red for black. There is, however, a limitation. Under no circumstances can a pack contain more than three cards at a time.

By the way, you can watch one of the successful solitaire layouts in the video.

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Games for tablet and smartphone
Games for tablet and smartphone

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