Logic is unlikely to be used here. Rather, it is a lucky combination of circumstances that plays here. And the reason for this is the chaotic movement of sweets. Well, about everything in order. There is a playing field in front of you. On it, sweets of different colors fly back and forth (swim, slowly move). Here and marmalades, and striped caramels, and colorful jellies and even marshmallows. We note once again that there is no system in their Brownian motion.

Your task is to pop all these candies by clicking at any convenient time at any point on the field. The click generates a small-diameter disturbance, and if any of the candies hit it, it will burst. There is one subtlety in this process. When the candy is popped, it generates an additional reaction. It can just be a pop, similar to what happens on a click. Or maybe something more original, for example: an electric discharge, a salute, or something even more enchanting.

Once in the field of action of the burst candy effect, any other one also bursts, triggering its own effect. But! There are a lot of candies at the start of the level, and you only need to click once. It is impossible to calculate random moves, but try to click so that you can start a chain reaction that will make all the candies burst. Have a nice game!

You can play the game CHAIN REACTION: CANDY online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.