Flash-mini-game for girls with great celebrity in the lead role. Kim Kardashian is the most popular model in the world, and some consider her the most beautiful woman. She knows a lot about beauty and how we need to dress fashionably. All saints ' Day, she decided to apply not to the usual fashion and to a familiar warlock. She will mix different ingredients and turn the model into a fairy-tale heroine. Choose three different ingredients and throw them into the pot, and then see what you get. When you open the main costumes, you will get the special ingredients to create a special secret costumes, they are the most beautiful, but only the most patient and smartest players.
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Games for tablet and smartphone
You can play the game COSTUMES KIM KARDASHIAN online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.