This thematic Russian-language filword puzzle will remind you of the names of some Russian rivers and cities. However, the word some is not quite correct. The fileword tables contain the names of 160 rivers and 240 cities in Russia! You may have heard of many of them, but some of them may seem unfamiliar.

How do I solve a fileword puzzle? It's simple. The words you need to find are shown to the left of the table with letters, or at the bottom, if you are solving a fileword puzzle on your smartphone. The words specified in the task must be found in a square table filled with letters. Recognizing them is not easy, not only because it is difficult to see the desired sequences among other letters, but also because the orientation of the words is not known in advance. Some of them may, for example, be arranged horizontally, some vertically, and others diagonally. The direction of the email may also differ: from left to right (which we are used to), or from right to left, which causes additional difficulties.

For ease of solving, each topic of the field puzzle is divided into levels. There are 10 of them in each topic. And in each level, in turn, there are eight words. If you've found everything, move on to the next one. Among other things, there is also time in the filewords of this series. In the sense that the bonus score of the game (the number of stars) depends on the speed of the player's detection of all the words in the level. The online timer scale linked to bonus stars is located next to the table. If you manage to find all the words before the time bar reaches the top asterisk, then you will get three stars per level, which is very cool! Well, if you didn't have time to find everything and after lowering the bar under the lower asterisk, then alas, you won't get the bonus, and you may want to replay this level.

Now let's talk briefly about how to mark found words. When you see the word you want, move the pointer over the first letter of the word and then drag the pointer over all the letters of the word up to and including the last one. Then, release the button. The correct word will be marked with a colored bar both in the table and in the task.

You can solve the filword puzzle on desktop PCs, smartphones, and tablets — the game is universal, you DON'T need to download and install it.

You can play the game FILLWORD: RIVERS AND CITIES IN RUSSIA online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.