In Hearts the main thing is what? That's right, do not take the red suit and the queen of spades in bribes. See an example of how to solve similar problems. Naturally, this is not the standard of a balanced and thoughtful game. But some rounds are played very well.

In general, Hearts — is an interesting game, if only because the exchange of cards at the start of the round does not allow you to calculate all the options in advance. As part of this three, your opponents can slip you the wrong thing. And this development should always be kept in mind. For example, it is not always profitable to try to discard the suit completely before starting, especially when it comes to spades.

You can view the video clip GAME OF HEARTS 2 online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.