In the 14th episode, the monkey appears before us as an elderly pensioner (by the way, what is he like in monkeys?). There are no more tears in her eyes — she has cried everything out, but you can see from her appearance that the mood leaves much to be desired. She is trembling with grief and sorrow. Worried about the panda, which is kept in a cage under lock and key.

Well, the mores in this zoo-a poor, hungry animal, a bamboo-eating bear locked in a cage without water and food-fiends! - thinks a retired monkey, deciding how to help the panda. And then, by the way, you appear! Help the monkey, solve the quest, free the panda and feed it. If you do everything right, the monkey will be happy again.

As usual, you'll have to deal with combination locks. We don't hint at anything, but sometimes letters are more important than numbers...

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