His method of disassembly Scarves shared one of the fans of this game. The method is, as the name implies, in a two-stage approach. In the first stage, the entire leaf through the rest of the deck, noticed (and obviously remembered) cards that are there. Of course, all found in this passage of aces immediately discharged to their home slots.
The second stage is to sort the cards based on obtained during the first pass information. Thus, one can avoid unnecessary involvement from the deck of cards at the stage of sorting and organizing the cards in the columns. After all often happens that the deck is used up, but local maps (those that are left on the table in the columns) to put nowhere, because they block the card taken from the deck.
Well, a decent way showdown at first glance. It should be noted that this approach to the analysis of the solitaire is applicable to those versions of the game, where the rest of the pack is allowed to flip any number of times. It also makes sense to emphasize that the presented tests were carried out on the version with the flipping balance from one card. In the case of the three can thus be at a disadvantage when the desired sheets are closed in threes.
Try, friends!
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