You certainly know this (well, or similar to it) dinosaur. Playing with it in the main role appears in the popular Internet browser Chrome, when there are problems with the Internet. This game continues until you have access to the network again. Well, here you can play at any time. The process is quite simple, but incredibly exciting. The dinosaur runs forward on its own, and your task is to command it to jump!in time. Not with your voice, of course, but with a button or click (tap).

You need to jump over all the obstacles that arise on the way of the dinosaur. It can be a cactus, a group of cacti, or a bird. The dinosaur must jump over all these objects. If he even touches any obstacle, the game will end immediately.

Each step of the dinosaur earns you points, so the further it manages to escape, the better. Note that as your mileage increases, your running speed increases. However, surprisingly, this makes it easier to play, as each dinosaur jump becomes longer.

The game works in two modes: solo and for two. Solo mode for one player. If you want to play together, the screen will split into two parts, and there will be two dinosaurs: one on the left, the other on the right. They will run towards each other, but they will never meet (for obvious reasons). Whichever of the two of you runs further wins.

You can play the game LITTLE DINOSAUR online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.