The online version of an exciting board game called Ludo is designed for a team of up to 4 people. You can play as four people, as well as three, two or even alone. On the start panel, you can choose how many players will take part in the game. The most interesting and rich gameplay, of course, when playing with four people. If you can't gather as many friends at the screen of your PC, tablet, or smartphone, it doesn't matter — turn off the extra virtual players or replace them with artificial intelligence. Best option: count how many of you there are, add them to the list, and replace the rest of the players with artificial intelligence.

Yes, friends, you can play with the computer, instructing it to think at least for all 4 players! However, if you turn on the electronic mind for four, then no one else will be able to play, and the action will be like a theater of one actor working for four. However, it is convenient to use these settings for an initial introduction to the game and its rules. By watching the entire game process run by an electronic brain, you will quickly understand the rules and learn how to play.

So, what is it, Ludo? Four players are placed at the corners of a square game table. In the corner of each player's base (castle) its 4 chips. Task: move all your four chips to the stable - the central part of the playing field, marked with arrows according to the color of each of the players. So, drive your four on the arrow of your color faster than the others, and you will be recognized as the winner. By the way, after determining the champion, the game can be continued, in order to identify the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place.

As with many board games, each player moves in turn. To determine how many cells to rearrange the chips, use a cube, which is also quite traditional for board games. If you roll a die, you get a deuce, for example, move the selected chip two squares ahead. There are many nuances in the rules of the Ludo game.

To release the chips from the base, you must roll a six on the die. This is a green light for any of the chips standing on the base (in the castle). Only six points on the die and nothing else can get the chip out of the castle. The second point. On the playing field, in the process of moving chips in a circle to the stable, they are vulnerable. They can be attacked by other players ' chips. If any other piece is placed in the square of the playing field where your chip stands, then, alas, yours is sent back to the castle (to the base). However, there are places where the chips are invulnerable.

Among the safe places for chips, it is worth noting both the bases themselves and the first cells next to the bases. When a 6 drops out and you remove a chip from the base, the first thing it does is occupy this first cell (it is colored in the color of the base). So, all these colored cells are safe for all chips, regardless of their color. Cells with asterisks are also invulnerable, as well as all the cells of the colored paths to the stable arrows.

Note that the game has strict permutation counting rules. Any chip can move forward only by the number of cells that fell on the die. This rule is especially relevant when placing chips in the stable. It often happens that you have to wait several moves for one or two on the die to move the last chip to the finish line. The six on the cube, we remind you, can either be a key that frees a chip from the base (in this case, it is placed on a square next to the base), or it can be used to move any of its chips 6 squares forward.

Repeated moves are possible: when you drop a six on the die, when an enemy chip is attacked (optional). the player whose chip has attacked another one gets a turn), as well as when one of their chips finishes.

However, the description of the game turned out to be too cumbersome, in practice everything is much simpler. Try it yourself and learn quickly! And the Ludo game is really exciting, believe me!

You can play the game LUDO online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.