If You've ever been to a foreign beach hotels, you've probably seen many of them a platform for mini-Golf, and perhaps even themselves played. The game develops patience and coordination.
Mini Golf that is different from the classical Playground. If classic takes place in the natural landscape: the fields, sometimes very large, with natural or artificial hills, ponds, etc. mini Golf in comparison with them is very compact. As a rule, it is divided into several mini-sites, each of which is a level of the game. They fenced bumpers. Here, too, can meet obstacles in different views, hindering the movement of the ball to the hole.
The Goal in Golf, the classics that mini to roll the ball into the hole within a certain number of steps (turns, bumps etc.). Step in this case you can call the action from the beginning of the stick on the ball until it (the ball) stop. The ratio of the number of strokes (face value or par eng.) calculated and known in advance. If the player manages to roll the ball with fewer attempts, he will be credited a bonus for more — fine.
After the game compares the results of players and the winner is revealed. This mini Golf You will be playing alone. Have to go 18 sites with different terrain and obstacles, each of which one hole. Try to roll the ball over the par number (Par) strokes. The number of strokes shown in the Launch.
You can play the game MINI GOLF online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.