After going through another rejuvenation session, the monkey woke up in a red factory. There's clearly something alien here. In any case, Earth factories do not yet have such technologies. Time flies so fast, though... And now, a monkey in the heart of the plant, around the eye-cutting red light and complete ambiguity of what is happening. From what you can touch with your paws, there are only some levers. However, if you look at the first location more carefully, you can find many interesting things, including the answer to the question: how to get to the second scene.

However, traditionally we do not give hints for completing the quest. So this time, just a hint that the target of the 135 series is located in a room under a combination lock. Look for, think about how to get there and what you need to do there to make the monkey cheer up and start laughing. We remind you that each item you find has a practical application in the game. Also, some of the found items stored in the monkey's backpack must be connected to each other so that they can be used.

Let's just say that this series is quite easy, at least for those who have coped with all the previous ones. Good luck, friends!

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