Practice throwing the ball into the basket with a deft swipe of your finger (on a tablet or smartphone) or with the mouse (on a desktop PC or laptop). Click on the ball and pull it towards the ring, creating an imaginary trajectory of the future throw. If you were accurate, you can release the pointer and see the ball go straight to the basket. But an inaccurate throw will not earn you points, the ball will bounce off the shield or ring and fall.

Everything in this sports game-ball, shield, basket-is illuminated with soft neon light, creating beautiful halos around objects. The ball also leaves a neon trail behind it as it flies. The first three throws are usually easy. The basket is still in place, and it is not difficult to throw the ball into it. However, just before the third throw, the basket starts to move along with the shield. It moves smoothly from left to right, and then from right to left, continuing to move until the round is over. With each new roll, the shield moves faster and faster. It is much more difficult to throw the ball in such conditions.

There is another limitation in the game. If you miss, you lose one of the balls. In total, there are five of them per game, so the number of misses can not be more than five. How many goals can you score in this neon basketball game? Check it out!

You can play the game NEON BASKETBALL online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.