Golf is not without reason considered an aristocratic game. Only a smart person can achieve success in this game, it is more demanding on calculation than on the physical condition of the player.

In this minigolf, you will have to perform a series of finishing strokes, which are called pushes. Just select the desired trajectory and impact force and click with the left mouse button.

Consider the height. Arrows are responsible for the height indicators, so you can guess who is at the height and with what force to hit the ball.

Flying will be no less of a problem than hitting past or undershot, the ball must not just be driven into the hole, it must enter it at a low speed.

The holes are created by a random number generator, so you won't be able to memorize the cards by heart. Local golf is alien to the tricks and exploits of the game.

Unfortunately, there is no rebound, so you will have to spend extra time calculating the speed of the ball.

Flash player plugin is not supported still Feb.21.

Alternative game you can play right now:

Golf for Tablet

Games for tablet and smartphone
Games for tablet and smartphone

You can play the game PIXEL MINIGOLF online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.