Simple from the standpoint of disassembly, and in terms of the number of variants of the layout, this Mahjong game is, in fact, a classic example of the puzzle, the story of which begins somewhere in ancient China. Image on the bones also are classical, like the shape of a pyramid.
According to the rules, the player is invited to remove all the tiles (tiles or tiles) of the table, combining them with each other on the basis of the uniformity of the icons. In one move, you can only remove two tiles with identical patterns. The main condition, which should guide the choice, is the requirement to use only sealed the other tiles. In other words, to take the bone from the middle of the pyramid, as neighbors tightly closed right and left. Use the tiles located on the edges.
That the parsing of Mahjong is not easy, you can see from video, sent by one of the regulars in the section Mahjong games.
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