Early in the morning, without a Declaration of war on the peaceful city of Salburg the first bombs fell. The first casualty of war was the TV Mr. Martynovich. Peaceful existence of zombies came to an end, people decided to bomb them in the grave.
How to play:

    1. First, turn on “Flight of the Valkyries” by Richard Wagner. the

  • 2. Pinch the left mouse button to increase the size of the bomb.
  • 3. Aim well in a residential building, that is the lair of zombies. the

  • 4. Release the left mouse button, and let the galaxy burns with fire!
  • the
  • 5. ???
  • the
  • 6. Profit!

Zombies are defenseless, but the plane there is a finite amount of fuel. With every sunset somber slightly reduces the height, if you do not have time to destroy all the buildings, can you guess what the locals will make with the pilot.

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