The leaflet in the box, blue and red pens, you and your buddy (girlfriend) at the same Desk. Played to school in TIC TAC Toe? A seemingly simple game. Those who have a lot have played it know what to play hard. However, let's look at the proposed option.
And that, friends, is not an ordinary TIC-TAC-toe, here before you are a strategic bridgehead, in the cell configuration resembling a puzzle Sudoku. This is a game in the game!
Look, here on a piece drawn 9 ordinary standard 9-cell fields that are all used. But these fields are grouped in one large field, the cells of which they are, and where, as a result, the winner is determined.
Thus, you will need to play three to nine parties to find out who won. Winning one of the small fields, you receive your sign (x or zero: depending on what you play) on a corresponding cell of a large field. Very interesting and exciting.
However, There is one but. Each new turn in the small square that indicates where the next move will be. Explain. For example, you put a zero in the upper-left cell of the lower middle field. The next move will have to make a cross in one of the cells upper-left field. Notice the line? In a cage you set the icon for this at the orientation of the field should be made the next move. The sequence of moves, monotone is maintained throughout the whole party: a cross-toe-cross-toe, etc. This approach to the organization of moves contributes to the process additional interest and intrigue, and encourages strategically think through the moves.
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