Sudoku is a kind of numerical crossword puzzle, akin to solitaire, which differs from the latter in its 100% convergence (it is always solved). However, this fact does not mean that everyone can cope with it at once. No, the Sudoku problem will only be solved in patient heads and hands.

Yes, the game develops not only logic, but also patience. So, in each of the presented squares, there should be no duplicate numbers, and the sums of columns and rows in each of them should be equal. Do not rush to immediately put a number in the cell, think about it, the game has the opportunity to put an estimate — one or more possible values, and then choose the right option. This is convenient, as it allows you not to keep all the numbers in your head.

The ability to choose the level of difficulty of the game: simple, medium, heavy and pro, - makes the puzzle accessible to trained and inexperienced players at the same time.

If you are completely confused and don't even know where to start, watch a short video on how to play Sudoku, and we hope that the process of solving this interesting puzzle will become easier and clearer for you.

You can play the game SUDOKU FOR TABLET online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.