Chess pieces are used as objects for permutation here. They then need to put three pieces in one vertical row or horizontally. But only the same ones, for example, three knights in a row, or rooks, or queens, etc. In addition to the outlines, the shapes also differ in color, which is convenient — so they are more noticeable.

It would be possible to rearrange and remove pieces from the field in this way as much as you want, but the game has a goal, the fulfillment of which will take you to a new level. The authors set the following task. Please note that there are white circles around some of the shapes on the field, and when they first appear, the contours of the circles are bright and dotted. These circles mark the cells of the field where at least one shape should disappear.

There may be two, three or more such circles on the field, depending on the level. And you need to pay off all of them. Everything is simple. If you see a white circle, work next to it, trying to set up chess pieces so that you can remove a row of three identical ones by using the one in the cage with the circle. If you succeed — the circle will disappear and you will need to repeat the maneuver with the next circle. If it was the last one, then you have completed the current level.

The original name of the game is Titans.

Flash player plugin is not supported still Feb.21.

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Three in a row for the tablet

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