A fan of Klondike Solitaire, seeing the layout of this solitaire game for the first time, will exclaim- Oh! Yes, this is exactly it. - and will be wrong. Yes, everything looks very similar to the famous and most popular solitaire, but... The rules and goal are completely different.

The layout is still single-deck, that is, it consists of 52 cards. The layout form is a kerchief. The cards in Ace of Hearts Solitaire should not be placed in four piles, but only in one pile (on the base). You can only start forming a base with the Ace of hearts (hence the name). The order of ranks when storing cards to the base should be observed. Just like the suit. A deuce is placed on the ace, a three on it, and so on up to the king.

Since everything starts with the ace of hearts, and therefore with the suit of hearts, you will first have to put only it on the base: from ace to king. Having completed this task, you can safely put any other ace on the king of hearts and collect a suit on it. By the same principle, you should continue to solve solitaire until all 52 cards are added up in a single base pack.

A little bit about sorting and issuing cards from the rest of the deck. It is allowed to move cards between columns according to strict (or moderately strict) rules. Examples. On the five of spades, you can put only the four of spades, on the jack of diamonds, only the ten of diamonds, and so on. That is: suit for suit and with a decrease in rank. Cards are issued from the deck one at a time to all the shifting columns. Regulars probably noticed that such strict requirements are present in the rules of Spider, Scorpion, Yukon and even Russian solitaire games.

Time game: only 10 minutes are allowed to solve solitaire, which is quite a bit, believe me. With the search for the ace of hearts, you sometimes have to tinker, and there are also problems with the joints of suits. Start to understand, and you will understand the nuances as the game progresses. It is worth saying that Ace of Hearts is a bold, modern solitaire game that requires concentration and clear, well-coordinated actions, just like our life, friends. Isn't it?

You can play the game ACE OF HEARTS SOLITAIRE GAME online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.