Balls in Chinese or Chinese pearls — a game, a typical representative of the genre ofshooting balls, stylized in the Chinese entourage. Knock out all the balls from the field-this is the key task of each level. What attracts fans of the category that this game belongs to? First, the task is clear and transparent. Secondly, almost everything here depends on the player's actions, and only some moments are random and can cause trouble.
The cannon is loaded with the same balls that you see on the field. You need to shoot at a group of balls, which includes at least 2 balls of the same color as the projectile ball. When the latter is included in such a group, it complements it with up to three single-color elements, and the entire color group disappears from the field.
Of course, the formation of large single-color clusters is desirable, so that the main task is solved faster, and inaction here adversely affects its solution. The fact is that if you relax for some time and do not form a single group (hesitated, missed, there were no options, etc...), as new balls begin to appear on the field, complicating your work. Try to choose the target and shoot faster.
Not all levels are the same in terms of the configuration of the mass of balls. On some, the balls slide down from above in even rows, on others-they spin, sticking to a certain drum. The essence of the game does not change from this. Think, choose your targets quickly and correctly, and shoot accurately!
The game works not only on desktop PCs, but also on laptops, tablets, and many modern smartphones running on Android and iOS.
You can play the game BALLS IN CHINESE online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.