How many countries in the world? You know, because many have their own national currency — currency. In this crossword puzzle there are 45 names for world currencies, among which there is, perhaps, only the Russian ruble (it would be too easy to guess). And what names might come up with.

By the Way, You can print crossword if You handy to solve on paper.


  1. the currency of the United Arab Emirates.
  2. What is the currency in the Maldives?
  3. the name of the Georgian currency.
  4. the Monetary unit of Armenia.
  5. the Names of some currencies Patriotic. In Bolivia, for example, pay ...
  6. Ethiopia is famous for its national currency It.
  7. In Kyrgyzstan, the fish, the name of the monetary unit. What?
  8. Almost in all the Nordic countries in the course of the monetary unit with the same name.
  9. Israel runs a special currency and it is called...
  10. Costa Ricathe has its own currency. Its name ...
  11. In Guatemala, too, has its own currency. It.
  12. Funny name of a monetary unit of Mongolia.
  13. what is the currency in Vogue in Japan?
  14. Now, the Euro, and before that it was German (West German) ...
  15. the national currency of Azerbaijan.
  16. what was the name of the currency of Holland before the Euro?
  17. currency of Brazil.
  18. What currency is used in Madagascar?
  19. South African ...
  20. One of the first modern cryptocurrency.
  21. the Official currency of Macedonia is ...


  1. Bahrain has its own currency. It.
  2. the Moors called their currency ...
  3. This currency is in circulation in China.
  4. This pay currency on the territory of Sao Tome and Principe.
  5. unit of Money in Thailand.
  6. This currency is in use in Malaysia.
  7. Australian dollar
  8. Mexican ...
  9. He's in France until the Euro was in Vogue. Now in Europe it's only available in Switzerland.
  10. Poland also has a national currency and it is called...
  11. In Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya, the currency is ...
  12. the national currency of Angola.
  13. Turkish ...
  14. the Original name of the monetary unit of Swaziland. What?
  15. In Croatia has its own currency, it is ...
  16. the Official name of the monetary unit of Panama.
  17. Own currency Eritrea.
  18. Hard pronunciation of the name of the currency did not bother the inhabitants of Bhutan.
  19. how to pay in shops in Hungary?
  20. Monetary unit of Honduras.
  21. Islands of Cape Verde were discovered by the Portuguese in 1446, the year. It left an imprint on the currency. What's it called?
  22. how to pay in India?
  23. British pound sterling.
  24. how to pay in Vietnam?

What other currencies do You know? Email us and we will add them to this crossword puzzle.

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