Who are these Hatemails? This cool animals that hatch from eggs. And what they will be depends on You! Each of them is unique and individual. Who's laying these eggs or less, but care for them need for You.

Start with something simple: decorate the eggs. Here you have to pass three stages of coloring. Next, proceed to the active stage. The egg (or rather whoever) loves when his stroke, knead, give a listen to the music. Follow the prompts and act on them.

This is followed by a stage of initial definition of the nature and type of the animal. Yes, the one who is in the egg already has its own character and appearance, which depends largely on the nature and preferences of the owner. Then You have to answer a few simple questions of the questionnaire (what kind of food You prefer, what is Your favorite city, etc.).

And finally, the final stage — the emergence of Hatemails to light. The shell cracks, and breaks... That's Your Hatchiban! I do not like? Make another!

You can play the game KHATCHKARS online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.