In just a few minutes, this game is able to reconstruct a tired mind. After two or three layouts we were returned to usual logic, calmness and patience. Scarf — a universal cure for stress and zamylivanie in the creative process, a wonderful mood stabilizer and rhythm of life. But on this page, not the solitaire, and video of one of his layouts.

The Video filmed in the game free solitaire available on our website. The variant of the analysis of the solitaire with the bottom of the deck one card. It is the most simple mathematically. As practice shows, it converges more often. Generally, when playing with unlimited undo moves in this variant, the solitaire can be disassembled always. Agree, having tried one motion sequence card, and found that it leads to a dead end, you can go back several moves ago and to try another.

It is Now clear that any layout of the Gusset plate can be disassembled, however when turning the deck on one card, and there is an infinite undo moves. With three cards conduct research independently. Version of Klondike solitaire in which you filmed this video, it allows.

You can view the video clip PLAY SOLITAIRE WITH ONE CARD online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.