PRO means for professionals. However, let's not be so categorical. The game is quite suitable for all fans of Minesweeper, those who love this logic and can use the numbers in the cells to clear minefields. The game has 20 levels, each with its own field with its own marking and placement of mines. The first five fields contain only closed areas, just like in the traditional version of the Minesweeper game. The rest have a number of open cells or even areas, which, on the one hand, simplifies the task, on the other — on the contrary, complicates it.

Recall the rules of Sapper. A mine can be hidden in any cell of the field. The player's task is to declassify such cells. By clicking on any cell, you open it, and if there is a mine there, the game ends immediately. But if you are lucky and the mine is not there, then you will get useful information about the fields surrounding the open cell. It will contain one (or several) digits.

A digit in any cell of the field indicates the number of mines located in the adjacent cells. By comparing the data of several cells with numbers, you can analytically calculate the cells that contain mines, as well as those that do not. Step by step, opening the cells, try to clear the entire playing field. The problem will be solved when the number of detected mines matches the task requirement (the number in the upper-left corner).

By the way, on the top panel, in addition to statistics (stopwatch readings and the number of mines to neutralize), there is a button that turns on the marking mode. If it is clicked, then clicking on a closed field cell does not open it, but puts a check mark on it. This mode is convenient to use when you want to mark all defused cells, those in which you think there are mines.

Take your time! Remember that according to the well-known saying, a minesweeper makes mistakes only once. We wish you good luck!

You can play the game SAPPER PRO online 24 hours a day for free. It is no need to download and install it on your computer, and it is also not required you to be the registered user. Just ckick and enjoy. See also a set of related games below on that you might be interested to look.